"Change, like a wedding or retirement, is  a singular event; transition, like the marriage or the rest of your life, is an ongoing process of adapting, inner transforming  and learning."


"In the middle of the road of my life I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost."

- Dante  


"Life is like a 10 speed bike.  Most of us have gears we never use."

-Charles Schultz  


"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

- Mary Oliver


"The idea is to die young as late as possible."

- Ashley Montague


"Perhaps your life is filled with secret possibilities you never imagined."

- Robert Fritz  


"I was going to stop procrastinating but I decided to put it off."

- Anonymous


When you feel connected to something, that connection gives you a purpose for living."

- Jon Kabat-Zinn


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Growing into Retirement: Seminars & Coaching  

Retirement brings time, freedom and flexibility--an open world of possibilities.  Leaving work can also bring changes in routine, loss of purpose, and decreased social contact. 

For members of the boomer generation, the landscape of retirement is changing.

My seminar, Growing into Retirement, provides a guided tour of life planning in view of these changes and challenges. Learn what has worked well for other successful retirees, and assess your readiness to retire in key areas of your life.  In addition to setting a number of retirement planning priorities for yourself, you will also create a "big picture" vision as a source of inspiration for your journey through these years.

Seminar participants with partners are strongly encouraged to attend as couples, but presentations can be tailored for individuals, couples or groups.




Retirement 2011:  The Changing  Landscape

Learn about the New Retirement!  








Explore the Well-Travelled Paths of Successful Retirees











Pack Your Bags:  Assess your Readiness in Key Areas 






Getting There: Create a Unique Personal Vision   







Contact me at drgtc@shaw.ca or 780-421-1747 for more information on Growing into Retirement.  I offer this seminar in conjunction with financial planners, brokerage firms and professional organizations, but custom presentations can be arranged for any group, individual or couple.  Talks on retirement, life planning and the cycle of renewal are also available.